About Alex Murray

Sports Podiatrist and Rehabilitation Coach with a special interest in helping people with foot and ankle pain get back to doing what they love

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About Alex

My name is Alex Murray and I’m a Sports Podiatrist and Rehabilitation Coach.

In 2023, I created The Rehab Podiatrist so I practise in a way that gives patients the time and care that they deserve and are often not afforded at larger clinics.

My Difference:

My approach is simple.

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In addition to undergraduate training, I’ve completed a postgraduate diploma in sports and exercise medicine, done further studies in podiatric biomechanics and become accredited as a strength and conditioning coach.


I have experience working with international and national athletes to those who enjoy a good stroll around the lake, young children, through to a lovely 90 year old lady who still enjoys a round of tennis. I also regularly work in conjunction with physiotherapists, GPs, medical specialists and orthopaedic surgeons.


This broad range of qualifications and experience allows me to offer a complete foot and ankle rehabilitation service, from shoes and foot orthoses, through to exercise rehabilitation. Crafting treatment plans based on each patient’s individual needs.


Long appointments are standard, giving us time to best understand and manage your condition.


I’m also a LGBTQI+ friendly practitioner and follow the principles of the healthy at every size (HAES®) movement in my clinical practice.

About Alex

In recognition of my skills, experience and approach to clinical practice, I’ve been awarded Fellowship to the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow.


Alex Murray

Bachelor of Health Science

Master of Podiatric Practice

Post-Graduate Diploma in Sports and Exercise Medicine (Distinction)

Fellow, Faculty of Podiatric Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow

ASCA Level 1 Strength and Conditioning Coach

Memberships / Affiliations:

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Outside the clinic

I’ve had an interest in a wide range of sports, previously participating and competing in kickboxing, volleyball, latin dancing and soccer.

Now with a young family, I’m finding time to fit in some squash, weightlifting and checking the snow cams during winter.


If you aren’t up for a chat, you shouldn’t talk to me about cooking, alternative music from the early 2000’s, board games or the best fantasy novels.

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What Are the Most Important Factors in a Patient’s Recovery?

On graduating in 2013, I worked in a clinic predominantly treating people with foot and ankle injuries, under the mentorship of a renowned Olympic Games Podiatrist.


Falling in love with helping people manage their pain and injuries, I’ve worked in this field for the last 9 years in clinics across Canberra.


Seeing a wide variety of patients, from 1 year olds taking their first steps to elite athletes stepping across the finish line, weekend warriors to casual hikers and people who just want to keep up with their kids and grand kids.


As a Canberra podiatrist, I can’t get enough of the smiles that my patients have when I’m able to help them go from a place of confusion and frustration back to enjoying life!

Injury and Pain Assessment

Educator, Mentor and Author

I’ve had a passion for sharing knowledge for as long as I can remember. There’s something amazing about being able to listen, understand someone else’s problems, where they’re stuck, and being able to teach them something that changes the game for them.

Can’t get enough of it!

What I’ve realised is that most of the professional development out there is focused around presenting research papers and theory. That there’s a real lack of courses and workshops that are clinically focused and built to provide tangible skills and knowledge that helps you become confident at managing real patients and dilemmas that occur in-clinic.

That’s why in 2018, I started a blog under the moniker “Making Sense in Podiatry” to share my passion, knowledge and experiences. It wasn’t long before, in 2020 this morphed into developing online courses and webinars under the business Podiatry Systems, that I started alongside Scott Greenbank. But the demand didn’t end there and in 2021 I started teaching in-person workshops and the re-brand to The Rehab Podiatrist.

Through my teaching I’ve been lucky to get a number of opportunities. As a communication and education partner with CauseHealth, I was able to collaborate with their directors and senior research team to produce an education series on how to best translate academic research into care for patients. I’ve also been able to present at the Sports and Exercise Podiatry Australia (SEPA) Conference in 2022, collaborate on an academic paper and outline how we can better view and manage patients with heel pain and start the podcast “Real Clinicians, Real Chats” alongside Physiotherapist Kit Wisdom.


As of today, alongside my clinic, I now produce and teach 2-3 webinars a year to a global audience of Podiatrists and Allied Health Professionals, regularly present workshops interstate, record a monthly podcast and continue to collaborate on academic papers. I’ve also opened my books to a small number of Podiatrists who want more one-on-one guidance and mentorship.


I love this balance of clinical to teaching work as it keeps me engaged in research and constantly learning so I can always be presenting the most up-to-date knowledge to other professionals and then taking back everything I know to my patients. Seeing the range of workshop participants, mentees and patients all working towards and achieving their goals keeps me energised and enjoying what I do. I wouldn’t trade it!


What my patients are saying

“Alex is very professional and extremely knowledgeable. Fantastic approach to my issues and listens very well. Highly recommend his approach and service. “

Dr. Mark Hislop
Retired General Practitioner

“Alex is amazing. I’ve had a foot problem for over 10 years and in all that time I’ve never had someone take much care of my feet. He was gentle, explained all options and did thorough testing.”
